Think of an aeration wastewater treatment system as a mini processing plant for your home or business. All wastewater that produces both sewage and gray water from sinks, showers, laundry, and bathrooms goes straight to your AWTS tank.

The tank is usually installed in the basement and only the lid and the control panel is visible. You can also get aerated wastewater treatment system installed via

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How does Aeration Treatment Systems work?

Once you reach the wastewater system, it goes through a chain of tanks that process it in several ways. The first tank works like a traditional septic tank. In this tank, solids settle to the bottom leaving wastewater above.

This product then moves into the second compartment where aeration treatment starts. Using natural and controlled processes, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria digest waste, it purifies water and leaving it colorless, odorless and ready for recycling.

Why Choose Wastewater Aeration Systems?

AWTS produces superior quality wastewater treated with secondary standards. Water processed by septic tanks cannot be reused and can’t reach the same standard of AWTS. AWTS is an environment-friendly choice because it saves large amounts of water.

Aerated Wastewater Treatment System Maintenance

The aerated wastewater system is so complex that it requires routine maintenance to ensure your system is operating with the highest standards possible.

The purity of the water needs to be monitored to ensure it meets the requirements of health authorities in the long run. This water recycling system is a cost-effective waste management system.