If you have considered teeth alignment then chances are that you've considered invisible braces, as compared to traditional braces, clear braces offer a variety of benefits. But what are those benefits, and why might some people decide against wearing invisible braces, despite all of the benefits?

The first obvious advantage that most people think about is the fact that Invisalign braces are almost invisible. Traditional braces are certainly very clear even from a distance, and many people feel self-conscious wearing metal wire braces.  If you too have decided to have Invisalign braces then you can opt for Comfort Dental Braces in San Antonio, TX for affordable treatment. 

Traditional braces offer very little in terms of positive performance, and so for many people, the single most significant aspect which they consider when choosing between traditional braces and invisible braces is the overall appearance throughout the period of time they are required to wear a brace.

But this really brings another reason why many people are choosing invisible braces. Because when you are wearing traditional braces that's a commitment you will need to stick with for several years. Usually, the teeth alignment process using metal braces can take anything from two years to four years, depending on the amount of necessary alignment. Obviously this is a very significant commitment, and not one entered into lightly. By contrast, those braces from Invisalign are not only clear but manage to achieve the same end result in a much shorter space of time.